

A keyboard interface that can be used to play notes by pressing the keys or to play music from a specific scale using the jolt input.

Inputs, output and other parts

MIDI Out (jolt output) Outputs the MIDI-number of the key you press, or the corresponding note if you send a jolt to INPUT.

Input (jolt input) Send a jolt to make the keyboard output the MIDI-number of the corresponding note in the scale, starting form zero. E.g. sending 0 will send out the root note, or if you have a major or minor scale selected sending a 2 will output the third.

Root note (knob) Sets the root note of the keyboard and scale. Maps “C” key to choosen note.

Root note (jolt input) Send a jolt to set the root note of the keyboard and scale. Maps “C” key to choosen note.

Play/Scale Toggle Switch between Play/Scale edit mode.