

A highly flexible interface for building different kinds of interactions.

A box-shaped area that can be divided into segments along each axis. Provides a variety of different jolt outputs for each controller inside the interaction area, and lets you control the controller’s haptics.

Inputs, output and other parts

Resize handle (interactive) Drag to resize the interaction area.

Right X (jolt output) Emits the X position of the right controller.

Right Y (jolt output) Emits the Y position of the right controller.

Right Z (jolt output) Emits the Z position of the right controller.

Right present (jolt output) Emits a 1 when the right controller enters the area and 0 when it leaves.

Right trigger (jolt output) Emits a value between 0 and 1 depending on how much the right controller trigger button is pressed. If ‘Continous trigger’ is turned off via the inspector it sends out 1/0 when the trigger is pressed/released.

Left X (jolt output) Emits the X position of the left controller.

Left Y (jolt output) Emits the Y position of the left controller.

Left Z (jolt output) Emits the Z position of the left controller.

Left present (jolt output) Emits a 1 when the left controller enters the area and 0 when it leaves.

Left trigger (jolt output) Emits a value between 0 and 1 depending on how much the left controller trigger button is pressed. If ‘Continous trigger’ is turned off via the inspector it sends out 1/0 when the trigger is pressed/released.

Segments X (knob) Controls the number of segments in the X direction.

Segments X (jolt input) Controls the number of segments in the X direction.

Segments Y (knob) Controls the number of segments in the Y direction.

Segments Y (jolt input) Controls the number of segments in the Y direction.

Segments Z (knob) Controls the number of segments in the Z direction.

Segments Z (jolt input) Controls the number of segments in the Z direction.

Haptics left (stream input) Controls the vibration strength of the left controller.

Haptics right (stream input) Controls the vibration strength of the right controller: