

A two-stage, Attack-Decay envelope with linear response. Attack begins from 0 and rises to 1. Decay begins from 1 and falls to 0. Connect the ‘End of attack’ output to the ‘Decay trigger’ input to trigger the decay stage right after attack finishes.

Inputs, output and other parts

Attack time (stream input) Attack stage time (in seconds).

Decay time (stream input) Decay stage time (in seconds).

End of attack (jolt output) Emits jolt once the attack stage finishes. Connect to the ‘Decay trigger’ input to trigger the decay stage right after attack finishes.

End of decay (jolt output) Emits jolt once the decay stage finishes.

Attack trigger (jolt input) Triggers the attack stage of the envelope.

Decay trigger (jolt input) Triggers the decay stage of the envelope.

See also:
